Collection: Life Comes Full Circle

Kristen and mom

My newest series “Life Comes Full Circle” is a collection of small works inspired by my journey of caring for my 93-year old mother, Eileen.  You may be familiar with her based on some of my previous emails and social media posts.  Mom has dementia, and I realized that after several months of caring for her that as she declines physically and mentally, life really does come full circle.  I’m now the caregiver…helping her dress, begging her to drink water and eat, cuddling her and providing comfort, and changing diapers.  The two of us have changed roles and the circle is complete.  Even through the frustration and sometimes sadness of this, It’s been an honor to care for her in this way.  It is what life is all about and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“Life Comes Full Circle” is a series of 20 small works that are 12” x 12” steel and wood pieces.  These small works represent the small moments of this relationship, each with circles as the main theme.  Some have bright and hopeful color schemes while others are dark and murky.  I’ve used mostly recycled steel on wood. Some of the pieces are rusted steel aged with time with added color, other pieces are grinded bright and shiny with bright colors. All the pieces create a myriad of feelings and emotions...  just like the moments of my time with her.

When I was in Portland for 3 months in the winter, I started working with alcohol inks and sat with my mom experimenting with the colors. I found I loved this medium for color so its fitting I used the inks with this series.

Working on this series has given me new direction with my art and it has been a delight to create these pieces. As I create with my whole family in mind, the work is infused with the energy of love and imminent knowing that she will someday be gone. Pieces are titled to represent the little moments we have had with my mom over the past year.

Update on Eileen:  My mom passed December 23rd 2021, it was very peaceful and she was surrounded by her 4 daughters, 3 grandchildren and great grand child.  I'm so happy she is at peace and with my Dad looking down proudly at the family she nurtured all her life.